若望保禄二世给2003年世界青年节的讯息 “亲爱的青年们,当你们走在街上去学校,去大学或者去上班的时候,或者乘公交车辆上下班时,不要羞于独自诵念玫瑰经。在你们中间,在你们的团体里,在你们所从事的活动中和社团里要形成诵念玫瑰经的习惯。在家里,要毫不犹豫地建议你的父母和兄弟姐妹公诵玫瑰经,因为玫瑰经能够重新燃起和加强家庭成员之间的纽带。这种祈祷将有助于你们加强信德,常行慈善,内心喜乐并始终充满希望。” 这篇文章发表在2003年3-4月的“弥厄尔”期刊上。 FromJohn Paul II's Message for World Youth Day 2003: “Dear young people, do not beashamed to recite the Rosary alone, while you walk along the streets to school,to the university or to work, or as you commute by public transport. Adopt thehabit of reciting it among yourselves, in your groups, movements andassociations. Do not hesitate to suggest that it be recited at home by yourparents and brothers and sisters, because it rekindles and strengthens thebonds between family members. This prayer will help you to be strong in yourfaith, constant in charity, joyful and persevering in hope.” This article waspublished in the March-April, 2003 issue of “Michael”.