本帖最后由 St.Michael 于 2013-1-7 19:45 编辑
默主歌耶讯息2013-1-7 “祈祷,充分利用这段时间,因为这是一段恩宠的时期。我与你们在一起,我在天主前为你们每一个人代祷,好使你们向天主和天主的爱开放你们的心。小孩子们,要不停地祈祷,直到祈祷成为你们的一种喜乐。” “Pray and make good use of this time, because this is atime of grace. I am with you and I intercede for each one of you before God,for your heart to open to God and to God's love. Little children, pray withoutceasing, until prayer becomes a joy for you.”