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发表于 2013-5-4 13:57:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 鹰击长空 于 2013-5-9 12:04 编辑




  为什么那些能说会道的、会讨好长上的修女们,却被您们高高举扬?而那些不会说、老实、听命、不会讨好长上,而真心修道的修女们,却被您们放弃?作为传教修女会,为什么不朝着如何提高灵修、传教和服务人群这个方向培养我们,而是让我们天天打扫卫生、做饭?请问这样我们这些受培育的人,就能够走出去宣讲天主的圣言和为基督作见证吗?为什么每个姐妹一开始来修会时,都是满腔热火,原意离开父母、亲人、朋友和所熟悉的一切,而到达这个陌生的国家菲律宾,一走就是几年回家一次;这还不是为光荣天主,愿跟随主度独身、奉献的生活吗?每个人都怀有许多的愿望和理想,想做些什么来光荣天主和服务大众。为什么修了几年的道,这许多的愿望和理想,都少的可怜,减少的几乎为零?敢问这是怎么了?难道 还不是被关在修院里,打扫卫生、做饭几年下来的结果吗?




    我可敬的长上修女们,会章中所规定的任何修女不可在修会内、外认任何干亲戚,这条难道只是为我们下面小修女们所立的吗?而不是为您们高高在上的修女们所立的吗?修会长上用修会的名誉作假,骗取菲律宾圣多玛斯(UST)大学的信任。真是有失修会的脸面 ,和向基督脸上抹黑。修会应该不是做这个的,修会是以团体共修的力量为基督作见证,以活出我们基督徒的真正面貌让世人看到。而不是以修会的、教会的、天主的名誉去行骗,去助恶行恶。





Save the congregation  
in Missionary Sisters of the ImmaculateConception of the Mother of God
in TaiWan
I was a temporary vow sister in Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God and have been stayed the convent for 8 years.
Facing the congregation fast deviate from the Saint Francis spiritual, congregation regulation, rule, and the founding purposes, I, as a member of congregation, have the obligation and also would like to sincerely make some quite serious opinions. Hope the senior sisters are loyal to your religious vows and duties that God gives. In order to the future of congregation, please concerning and correcting errors in a timely manner. Don’t do anything contrary to the spiritual of Christ. Don’t make people to be bitterly disappointing. Don't blindly do.
Why recent 2-3 years without new Vocation from China? Why more than half of sisters choose to leave out of the congregation? Even some sisters who are final vows and stay a dozen years in congregation made a decision to leave? Could it be said that the reasons of many people to leave, just as you said depending on the individual's case, XX dues to personal and family factors to leave? Absolutely not, nobody believed it. Those who sincerely wish to live in religious lives were tearful, disappointment and frustration to leave congregation?
Why were those who were glib and fawn on some sisters raised? And those who do not speak, do not fawn on, be honest, be obedient and real religious sisters, but you gave up? As the missionary sisters, why do not improve our spirit, knowledge of mission and serving?  But let us clean and cook every day. May I ask if we who are formatted are able to preach God's Holy word and to be witness for Christ? When every sister in the beginning is filled with passion, and leave parents, relatives, friends and all of familiar, they arrive at the unknown country Philippines and visit family after a few years.  Aren’t they glory God?  Wouldn’t they like to follow Jesus to live in religious lives? Everyone has many wishes and ideals to glory God and service the people. After many years religious life, why many of these wishes and ideals reduce little by little, even to zero? What was happened? Isn’t the results that we are held in the convent to clean and cook for a few years?
As the senior sisters, you have the responsibility to improve our spirit, mission and the service enthusiasm. May I ask the senior sisters what you do? Whenever we have a chance to serve in the Philippines, it always could not be long time. It has a beginning not an end soon because of language problems and cannot continue. Why the congregation did not provide a good opportunity to learn English and Filipino? In the past, our founder, Sr. Immaculata sent sisters to China. Let them learn Chinese at first? Is there no money for the Sisters learning language to glory God and serve in congregation? No, the formation house of Philippines has lot of extra money every month. The money is exchanged dollars to bring back to Taiwan Province. The senior sisters used the money that the sisters hardly earned to provide the left people. They aspire to worldly glory. The congregation paid for her schooling, food, clothing, shelter and transportation. And the money cannot be used to look for a teacher for young sisters learning theology in the Christian College(studying in the convent).
Above are my personal opinions.  Also many sisters knew about these, but they were afraid to say. They were afraid of your attitude after they spoke. They were spoken by some sisters before, and then they were suppressed by the senior sisters and let them clean and cook. They couldn’t get cultivate. I'm sure they have more than that I can see in their minds.
Here I want to say two things that are amazing things. Also make me feel angry things.
The other thing was we should not support the popularity of test tube baby as the Catholic sisters and Saint Franciscan clinic.  Church explicitly prohibited the test tube baby. We as sisters shouldn't accept the patients who would like to do in vitro fertilization. And also we should not give patients acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine to help them adjust body and prepare to be able to do in vitro fertilization successful.
I was assigned to work at Saint Franciscan clinic. I was in charge of preparing medicine and was responsible of the financial clinic, so I knew a lot. The sisters supported in vitro fertilization. Didn’t it give a misleading? And be contrary to the Church and God. In addition, if Franciscan clinics didn’t get permit from the senior sisters, the sister worked in the clinic wouldn't be so bold do it.  The sisters, have you ever thought you ignored the provisions of the Church to make money, and push us into the pit of hell. God will bless you? Also is ... ....
With the congregation is more and more secularization, the sisters separated some groups, especially Sr. Agnes. The congregation became someone’s, rather than everyone. The senior sisters spent a lot of money to buy insurance. May I ask you earned the treasures on the earth, if in heaven? The sisters are afraid to speak out, even they spoke, and the words were ignored. The vowed sisters are busy for more money, rather than prayer and serving the people. The congregation completely lives secular spiritual, rather than the spirit of the Gospel. It should reflect and reflect!
Above of each word was written by myself. Because my mother was very sick, I had to stay at home. On account of contacting with the local church, I felt you as the senior sisters were not as good as the general Christian. You as a blind lead the blind, won’t we go to hell? For do not lose spirit of me, I declare to my senior sisters , I decided not to go back to the convent.


发表于 2013-5-4 18:07:47 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-4 20:42:26 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-4 22:12:31 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-5-5 05:37:38 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-5 08:27:43 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-5-5 10:09:06 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-5 10:39:53 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-5 10:51:22 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-5 10:59:10 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-5 11:08:56 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-5 11:10:52 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-5-5 11:58:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 擦亮眼睛 于 2013-5-5 12:00 编辑

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-5 12:25:21 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-5 12:35:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-5 12:49:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-5-5 12:55:49 | 显示全部楼层
鹰击长空 发表于 2013-5-5 12:35
增加圣召的方式,不是让年轻人不知道教会的真相。这样的方式丝毫没有助益。为什么那么多年轻的圣召离开修会 ...

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-5 12:56:42 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-5-5 13:07:23 | 显示全部楼层
鹰击长空 发表于 2013-5-5 12:56
呵呵,你知不知道所谓台湾的修会里面年轻的圣召都是大陆人?将来这个所谓台湾的修会坏了,这些大陆的修女不 ...

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发表于 2013-5-5 13:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
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