本帖最后由 St.Michael 于 2013-6-17 03:08 编辑
1996年12月初,开始有报道传出弗罗里达州克利尔沃特市的一幢西米诺尔商业公司的玻璃上出现了一幅肖像。人们可以很清楚地看出,这幅肖像类似瓜达卢佩圣母。消息传开,成千上万的人来到现场,在60英尺高的肖像下面燃起蜡烛,祈祷,并献上鲜花。截止到一月中旬,已有50多万人来到此地朝圣。科学家们曾试图解释这种现象,声称这是喷水器里的水反射的阳光形成的。然而,为什麽这个肖像总是以同样的形态出现,为什麽这个肖像在所有的喷水器关闭之后很久依然可以看到?这个神迹令很多人皈依——这就是圣母在世界各地显现的明确的使命。Clearwater, FloridaVIRGIN APPEARS ON FINANCE BUILDING! In early December, 1996, there started to be reports of animage appearing on the windows of the Seminole Finance Company of Clearwater, Florida.The image resembles, as can be plainly seen, the Blessed Virgin Mary as OurLady of Guadalupe.
Word spread, and thousands of people flocked to the site tolight candles, pray, and leave flowers below the 60 foot high image. More than500,000 came to the image by mid-January.
Scientists have tried to explain the phenomenon, saying itis water from the sprinklers reflecting from the sun. HOWEVER, why does theimage always appear the same form, and why is the image visible long after anysprinklers have gone off?
This blessed miracle has turned many people to convert, andthat is the exact mission of the Blessed Virgin, in all of the places She hasappeared throughout the world.
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