本帖最后由 JOHN.h 于 2013-11-29 22:42 编辑
因为在过去,玫瑰经往往使人们的灵修充满新的活力,这些人来自各阶层人士(神职人员,修士修女们,在俗教友——年轻的,中年的,老年的)。现在,很多人又通过圣玫瑰经向圣母祈求帮助。 由于玫瑰经,大家的信德变得更充满生机,更加活泼和富有成果。 通过传扬和提倡诵念圣玫瑰经,所有的人都能够利用他们非常宝贵的业余时间来帮助拯救灵魂,并为我们的青年,我们的国家和教会祈祷。 玫瑰经的历史充满了一个又一个的胜利。如今,在我们的时代,除了对玫瑰经全心信赖和充满信心之外,我们还应该做些什么? 从现在开始,做出真挚的,诚实的,甚至是英勇的努力尝试,这样,“这天国的馨香”——用来拯救灵魂和获得和平的最强大的武器,能够使各地虔诚的基督徒都知道. 你能够想出一些甚么更重要的你能够做到的!!! 一旦背熟,玫瑰经奥迹将作为每日以圣经为基础的黙想,默想我们的主和祂的母亲的生平事迹。 真诚的努力和热心的阅读将进一步促进和增强你对这些事迹的默想。 你还可能希望记住,玫瑰经是世界上最伟大的母亲的一个礼物,这位母亲她了解我们的主胜过任何曾经生活在这个世界上的人。 
As you come to have knowledge of The Mysteries,
you will realize, possibly for the first time,
what a treasure the Mother of God gave us
about 750 years ago through St. Dominic.
Because it has so often in the past revitalized
the spirituality of people from every walk of life,
clergy, religious, laity - young, middle aged, elderly,
many are now turning again to Our Lady
for help through the Holy Rosary.
Because of it, everyone's faith becomes more vital,
alive - and fruitful.
Through the promotion of the Holy Rosary
all can make their spare time invaluable
to help save Souls, our Youth, Country and Church.
With a history replete with victory after victory,
and now in our times, should we then have anything
but full trust and confidence in it?
Starting today, make a sincere, honest, even heroic effort so this "Heaven scent," most powerful weapon for saving souls and to obtain peace can become known to all sincere Christians everywhere.
Can you think of anything that you could do that would be more important!!!
Once committed to memory,the Mysteries of the Rosary will serve as a daily, scripturally based study of events in the lives of Our Lord and His Mother.
Sincere effort and pious reading will further serve to enhance your meditation upon these events.
You may also wish to remember that the Rosary is a gift from the World's Greatest Mother,the Person who knew Our Lord better than anyone who ever lived on earth.