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默主歌耶讯息 2014-9-25

发表于 2014-9-27 19:48:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 St.Michael 于 2014-9-27 19:58 编辑

默主歌耶讯息 2014-9-25
“亲爱的孩子们!今天,我还要召叫你们也要像星辰那样,它们凭借自身的光芒给予别人光明和美丽,使他们能够欢乐.小孩子们,希望你们也成为发光体,美丽,喜乐与和平 —尤其要成为祈祷 —为所有远离我和我的圣子耶稣的爱的人。小孩子们,要在喜乐中,在你们心里的信德的喜乐中为你们的信德和祈祷作见证,并且为和平祈祷 —和平是天主赐予的宝贵的礼物。谢谢你们回应了我的召唤。”

Message, 25. September 2014 "Dear children! Also today I call you to also be like the stars, which by their light give light and beauty to others so they may rejoice. Little children, also you be the radiance, beauty, joy and peace – and especially prayer – for all those who are far from my love and the love of my Son Jesus. Little children, witness your faith and prayer in joy, in the joy of faith that is in your hearts; and pray for peace, which is a precious gift from God. Thank you for having responded to my call."


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