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默主歌耶讯息 2015-3-2

发表于 2015-3-5 23:22:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 hsavio 于 2015-3-5 23:24 编辑

默主歌耶讯息 2015-3-2

“亲爱的孩子们!你们是我的力量.我的使徒们,你们用你们的爱、谦卑和默默的祈祷使得人们有可能认识我的圣子。你们住在我内。你们将我放在你们的心里。你们知道你们有一位爱你们并把爱带给你们的母亲。我在天父内注视着你们 – 你们的思想、你们的辛劳、你们的痛苦 – 我把它们献给我的圣子。不要害怕,不要失去希望,因为我的圣子倾听祂的母亲。从祂出生时起就充满爱,我渴望我的孩子们都能认识这爱。我渴望所有由于他们的痛苦和误解而离开了祂的人能够归向祂;所有不认识祂的人能够认识祂。这就是你们这些使徒们在这里以及我身为母亲与你们同在的原因。要为坚定的信德祈祷,因为爱、宽恕和怜悯来自于坚定的信德。通过爱、宽恕和怜悯,你们将愿意帮助所有那些不知道他们正在选择黑暗而非光明的人。要为你们的牧者祈祷,因为他们是我的圣子留给你们的教会的力量。通过我的圣子,他们是灵魂的牧者。谢谢你们。”

March 02, 2015 Message to Mirjana

"Dear children! You are my strength. You, my apostles, who with your love, humility and silence of prayer are making it possible for one to come to know my Son. You live in me. You carry me in your heart. You know that you have a mother who loves you and who has come to bring love. I am looking at you in the Heavenly Father – your thoughts, your pains, your sufferings – and I offer them to my Son. Do not be afraid and do not lose hope, because my Son listens to his mother. Since he was born he loves and I desire for all of my children to come to know that love. I desire that all those who left him because of their pain and misunderstanding may return to him and that all those who have never known him may come to know him. That is why you are here, my apostles, and I as a mother am with you. Pray for the firmness of faith, because love and mercy come from firm faith. Through love and mercy you will help all those who are not aware that they are choosing darkness instead of light. Pray for your shepherds because they are the strength of the Church which my Son left to you. Through my Son, they are the shepherds of souls. Thank you."


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发表于 2015-3-7 20:59:18 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you!你的这些福传文章很好赞!
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发表于 2015-3-11 11:43:17 | 显示全部楼层
玉兰 发表于 2015-3-7 20:59
Thank you!你的这些福传文章很好赞!

你们的思想、你们的辛劳、你们的痛苦 – 我把它们献给我的圣子。
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