卷三 七件圣事
1、圣宠 Grace
问: 我们单靠自己我力量,就能救灵魂么?
Q: Can we save our souls relying on our own strength alone?
答: 不能,必须依靠天主的圣宠。 (若 15:1-5)
A: No, we must also have the aid of God's grace. (Jn 15:1-5)
问: 圣宠是什么?
Q: What is grace?
答: 是天主看耶稣的功劳,赏给我们的超性之恩。 (若 1:16-17)
A: Grace is a supernatural gift, bestowed on our souls by God through the merits of Jesus Christ. (Jn 1:16-17)
问: 圣宠有几样?
Q: How many kinds of grace are there?
答: 有宠佑、宠爱两种。
A: There are two kind of grace: actual grace and sanctifying grace.
2、宠佑 Actual Grace
问: 宠佑是什么?
Q: What is actual grace?
答: 是天主赏的超性之恩,光明人的明悟,感动人的爱欲,使能行善避恶,以得常生。 (弗 1:17-18)
A: Actual grace is a supernatural gift of God, which enlightens our intellect and moves our will, enabling us to do good and to avoid evil, and thus gain Heaven. (Eph 1:17-18)
问: 宠佑要紧不要紧?
Q: Is actual grace necessary for us?
答: 宠佑为使人行善、避恶、得常生,是绝对要紧的。(斐 2:13;格后 3:5;若 6:44)
A: Actual grace is absolutely necessary for us, if we are to do good, avoid evil and gain Heaven. (Eph 2:13; 2Cor 3:5; Jn 6:44)
3、宠爱 Sanctifying Grace
问: 宠爱是什么?
Q: What is sanctifying grace?
答: 是灵魂的超性生命,使人成天主的义子,圣神的宫殿,能立常生的功劳,得天堂的产业。(伯后 1:4;罗 8:15-17;格前 6:19)
A: Sanctifying grace is the supernatural life of the soul, which makes us children of God, temples of the Holy Spirit. It enables us to merit eternal life and possess Heaven. (2P 1:4; Rom 8:15-17; 1Cor 6:19)
问: 要得天主的圣宠,有什么最容易的法子?
Q: What are the easiest ways of gaining grace?
答: 有圣事、祈祷两样。 (弗 2:8-10)
A: There are two ways: prayer and the Sacraments. (Eph 2:8-10)
问: 得了宠爱,还能失落么?
Q: Can we lose sanctifying grace again after once obtaining it?
答: 不拘犯了什么大罪,立刻就失落了。 (则 33:12-13;格前 10:12)
A: We lose sanctifying grace at once when we commit any mortal sin. (Ezk 33:12-13; 1Cor 10:12)
问: 没有宠爱也能得常生么?
Q: Can we gain eternal life without sanctifying grace?
答: 没有宠爱,谁也不能得常生。
A: Without sanctifying grace nobody can gain eternal life.
4、圣事 The Sacraments
问: 圣事是什么?
Q: What is a sacrament?
答: 是耶稣亲自立的有形的礼节,为表明、并赋给圣宠与领圣事的人。 (若 3:5;弟后 1:6)
A: A sacrament is a visible ceremony instituted by Jesus Christ Himself, which represents and confers sanctifying grace on those who receive it worthily. (Jn 3:5; 2Tim 1:6)
问: 圣事有几件?
Q: How many sacraments are there?
答: 有七件:就是圣洗、坚振、修和、圣体、病人傅油、圣秩、婚配。
A: There are seven sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, Holy Eucharist, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony.
问: 七件圣事内,那是罪人的圣事,那是善人的圣事?
Q: Of the seven sacraments, which are intended for sinners and which for the just?
答: 圣洗、修和是罪人的圣事,其余皆是善人的圣事。
A: Baptism and Penance are for sinners; the other sacraments are for the just.
问: 为什么圣洗、修和是罪人的圣事?
Q: Why are Baptism and Penance sacraments for sinners?
答: 因为圣洗、修和是特别为没有宠爱的人立的。
A: Baptism and Penance are sacraments for sinners because they were instituted specially for those who have not sanctifying grace.
问: 别的圣事,为什么称善人的圣事?
Q: Why are the other sacraments called sacraments of the living?
答: 因为别的圣事,必须灵魂上有宠爱才许领。
A: The other sacraments are called sacraments of the living because only those whose souls are in a state of sanctifying grace are allowed to receive tem.
问: 凡明知自己有大罪的人,领善的人的圣事,犯什么罪?
Q: What sin do they commit who knowing themselves to be in a state of mortal sin, receive a sacrament of the living?
答: 犯冒领圣事,亵圣的大罪。 (格前 11:27)
A: They who knowing themselves to be in a state of mortal sin receive a sacrament of the living the sacrament unworthily and commit a mortal sin of sacrilege. (1Cor 11:27)
问: 那几件圣事,只能领一次?
Q: Which of the sacraments can be received only once?
答: 圣洗、坚振、圣秩,只能领一次;因为这三件圣事,赋给灵魂永远不能灭的神印。 (格后 1:22)
A: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders can be received only once, because these three sacraments give to the soul a spiritual character which can never be effaced. (2Cor 1:22)
5、圣洗 Baptism
问: 那件圣事是最要紧的?
Q: Which is the most necessary of the Sacraments?
答: 圣洗圣事是最要紧的,因为不领洗,不能升天堂,也不能领别的圣事。 (若 3:5;谷 16:16)
A: Baptism is the most necessary of the sacraments, because without Baptism we cannot enter Heaven, and without Baptism we cannot receive the other sacraments. (Jn 3:5; Mk 16:16)
问: 圣洗是什么?
Q: What is Baptism?
答: 是吾主耶稣亲定的圣事,为消灭愿奉教人的原本诸罪,并赦其所当受之罚,能成天主及圣教会的义子,也能领其余的圣事。 (玛 28:18-20;宗 2:38;罗 6:3-7)
A: Baptism is a sacrament instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, which destroys all sins both original and actual in those who sincerely come into the Church; remits whatever punishment they have deserved; makes them children of God and of the Church; and renders them capable of receiving the other sacraments. (Mt 28:18-20; Acts 2:38; Rom 6:3-7)
问: 什么人算是望教的人?
Q: What are catechumens?
答: 凡人真心愿意奉教,弃绝异端,学习要理,就算望教的人。
A: Catechumens are those who sincerely wish to join the Church, to abandon their superstitions and to learn the Catholic doctrine.
问: 望教的人,也该守圣教会的规矩么?
Q: Are catechumens obliged to observe the rules of the Catholic Church?
答: 虽然没有严重的本分,到底也该学习遵守。
A: Catechumens are not strictly obliged to observe the rules of the Catholic Church, but they should accustom themselves to observe these rules.
问: 领洗的时候,应该发痛悔么?
Q: Must we have sorrow for our sins at Baptism?
答: 若有本身自犯的罪,必该发痛悔;否则领洗只得神印,不得赦罪的恩典。
A: If we have committed actual sins, we must have sorrow for them at Baptism, otherwise we receive only the spiritual characters, but our sins are not forgiven.
问: 奉教人的孩子几时该领洗?
Q: When should the children of the faithful be baptised?
答: 越早越好。
A: The sooner, the better.
问: 谁可以给人付洗呢?
Q: Who can baptise a person?
答: 付洗本是神父的职分,但在紧急的时候,不论男女老幼,教友外教,只要遵守付洗的规矩,都可给人付洗。
A: To baptise is primarily the duty of the priest; but in time of necessity any person, male or female young or old, Christian or pagan, can baptise. The correct method of giving Baptism must, however, be observed.
问: 给人付洗,有什么规矩?
Q: What is the correct method of giving Baptism?
答: 先起一个圣名,然后在额上倒水,同时念:「某某,我因父、及子、及圣神之名给你付洗。」 (宗 8:36-39;玛 28:18-20)
A: The correct method of giving Baptism is this: Begin with a saint's name, then pour water over the forehead of the person to be baptized, saying at the same time: "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit". (Acts 8:36-39; Mt 28:18-20)
问: 领洗的时候,为什么请代父代母?
Q: Why is a godfather or a godmother selected at Baptism?
答: 为指导领洗的人,好尽教友的本分。
A: A godfather or a godmother is selected at Baptism in order to teach the baptised person to perform duties of a Christian.
问: 该请什么人做代父代母?
Q: What kind of person should be selected as godfather or godmother?
答: 该请一个明白圣教道理,热心守教规的教友。
A: Godparents should be fervent Catholics who know the Catholic doctrine well and who themselves obey the commandments of God and of the Church.
问: 领洗的时候,什么人彼此结神亲?
Q: What persons contract spiritual relationship at Baptism?
答: 付洗的、同领洗的,代父、代母同他的代子代女给神亲;故此有婚配的阻挡。
A: The person who baptises contracts spiritual relationship with the one who is baptised, also the godparents with their godchild. This spiritual relationship is an impediment to marriage between these persons.
问: 领过洗的人有什么本分?
Q: What is the duty of those who have been baptised?
答: 该全信圣教会的道理,又当遵守圣教会的规矩。
A: Those who have been baptised must firmly believe all the Catholic doctrines and must keep the commandments of the Church.
6、坚振 Confirmation
问: 坚振是什么?
Q: What is Confirmation?
答: 是吾主耶稣亲定的圣事,为赋天主圣神与领坚振的人,坚固其心,作耶稣的勇兵,使能以言以行明证自己的信德,甚至舍生致命。 (宗 8:14-16; 宗 1:8)
A: Confirmation is a sacrament instituted by our Lord Jesus Himself by which the gift and graces of the Holy Spirit are bestowed on those who are confirmed. Confirmation strengthens their minds and hearts, making them soldiers of Jesus Christ, able to show their faith in word and deed, even unto martyrdom. (Acts 8:14-16; Acts 1:8)
问: 坚振还有什么效验?
Q: What are the other effects of Confirmation?
答: 还赋天主圣神的七恩。
A: In Confirmation are also bestowed the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
问: 天主圣神的七恩是什么?
Q: What are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?
答: 是天主圣神赋与人灵魂的七样美情,使人顺听圣神的默导,克己修德,畅快走真福的道路。
A: The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are seven holy qualities infused by God the Holy Spirit into the human soul, which make a man sensitive to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, leading him to mortify himself, practise virtue and go forward cheerfully in the way of true happiness.
问: 七恩是那七样?
Q: Which are these seven gifts?
答: 一是敬畏,二是孝爱,三是聪敏,四是刚毅,五是超见,六是明达,七是上智。 (依 11:2-3)
A: These seven gifts are: fear of the Lord, piety, knowledge, fortitude, counsel, understanding, and wisdom. (Is 11:2-3)
问: 坚振要紧不要紧?
Q: Is Confirmation necessary?
答: 不是全要紧的,但教友能领坚振而故意不肯领,便有罪。
A: Confirmation is not absolutely necessary, but it is a sin to refuse to receive Confirmation if one is able to receive it.
问: 该请什么人来做坚振的代父代母。
Q: What kind of persons should be selected as godparents in Confirmation?
答: 必须请一个领过坚振的,很明白教友的本分,又在教会中立好表样的人,这样的人,才做得坚振的代父代母。
A: Godparents in Confirmation should be chosen from those who are already confirmed, who know thoroughly the duty of Catholics, and who are themselves persons of good example.
问: 该怎么样预备领坚振?
Q: How should one prepare for Confirmation?
答: 一、除了要通达要理以外,还要明白坚振的道理。二、要在本堂神父跟前考明、求准、领坚振的凭据。三、要前几日,加工夫行善工。四、领坚振前,若有大罪,该妥当告解。
A: The person to be confirmed must (1) know the doctrine concerning Confirmation in addition to the other principal doctrines; (2) be examined by his parish priest and receive permission to receive this sacrament; (3) do some extra good works in the days previous to receiving the sacrament; and (4) make a good Confession, if in mortal sin.
问: 领过坚振,有什么本分?
Q: What are the duties of one who has been confirmed?
答: 本分有三:一是发勇德,忍受奉事天主里头所遇的艰难;一是总也不怕尽好教友的本分;一是开导信异端的人和不守规矩的冷淡教友。
A: The Catholic who has been confirmed has three duties: (1) to be brave and patient to endure all difficulties in the service of God; (2) never to be afraid of performing the duties of a good Catholic; and (3) to instruct those who live in superstition, and also tepid and negligent Catholics.
7、修和(告解) Reconciliation (Penance)
问: 修和是什么?
Q: What is Reconciliation?
答: 是吾主耶稣亲定的圣事,为赦教中人在领洗后所犯过的诸罪。 (玛 16:16-19;若 20:21-23)
A: Reconciliation is a sacrament instituted by our Lord Jesus Himself, for the forgiving of all sins committed by the faithful after Baptism. (Mt 16:16-19; Jn 20:21-23)
问: 耶稣几时立了修和圣事?
Q: When did Jesus institute the sacrament of Reconciliation?
答: 耶稣复活当天晚晌,发显给宗徒们的时候,立了这件圣事。 (若 20: 21-23)
A: Jesus instituted the sacrament of Reconciliation on the evening of the day He rose from the dead, when He appeared to His apostles. (Jn 20:21-23)
问: 修和要紧不要紧?
Q: Is Reconciliation necessary?
答: 最要紧,若不肯修和,大罪不得赦。
A: Reconciliation is most necessary, for if a penance refuses to confess, he cannot have his mortal sins forgiven.
问: 什么样的人该当修和?
Q: Who should go to Confession?
答: 凡知道好歹的男女教友,都该修和。
A: All Catholics of both sexes who can distinguish between good and evil should go to Confession.
问: 在修和的时候该告什么罪?
Q: What sins must be told in Confession?
答: 领洗后所犯的大罪,凡未经修和赦过的,都该告;如果没有大罪,仅告小罪,或重告已经修和赦过大罪,也有大益处。
A: All mortal sins committed after Baptism and not yet absolved in Confession must be confessed, but it is also very profitable to confess venial sins, or mortal sins which have already been forgiven in Confession.
问: 修和有几条要紧的规矩?
Q: What are the chief elements in Confession?
答: 要紧的有五:一、省察,二、痛悔,三、定改,四、告明,五、补赎。
A: The chief elements in Confession are five in number: Examination of Conscience, Contrition, Purpose of Amendment, Confession, Satisfaction.
8、省察 Examination of Conscience
问: 省察是什么?
Q: What is examination of conscience?
答: 用心查考自己,或从领洗以来,或从上次妥当修和以来,所犯过的诸罪。
A: Examination of conscience means carefully to examine oneself concerning all sins committed since Baptism or since one's last good Confession.
问: 省察的工夫该怎么做?
Q: How should we examine our conscience?
答: 第一、该跪求天主,开明我的心,好认我的罪;第二、该尽我的明悟,按着天主的十诫,圣教的规矩,七罪宗,并自己的本分,一一省察:所思、所愿、所言、所缺、逆天主,伤别人,害自己的诸罪。
A: First, we should kneel down and pray that God may enlighten our minds to know our sins, second, we should examine ourselves in detail concerning the commandments of God, the precepts of the Church, the seven capital sins, the duties of our state in life, applying our minds to discover all our thoughts, words, deeds, and omissions against God, our neighbour or ourselves.
问: 每一条罪上,该省察什么?
Q: What points must we examine with regard to each sin?
答: 该查明各大罪的次数,并改变罪类及加重罪过的光景。
A: We must examine the number of times each mortal sin has been committed, together with any circumstances which might change the nature of the sin or add to its gravity.
问: 为什么省察罪要这样用心?
Q: Why must we examine our conscience so carefully?
答: 因为这是有关我升天堂或下地狱的事情,所以不得不十分用心。
A: We must examine our conscience so carefully, because on this may depend our going to Heaven or to Hell.
9、痛悔 Contrition
问: 痛悔是什么?
Q: What is contrition?
答: 心里难过,悔恨自己的罪,因为得罪了天主。 (路 15:17-24)
A: Contrition is heartfelt sorrow and detestation of one's sins, because they have offended God. (Lk 15:17-24)
问: 痛悔要紧不要紧?
Q: Is contrition necessary?
答: 十分要紧:凡开了明悟的人,不发痛悔,不得罪之赦。 (则 18:21-23;路 13:5;宗 2:38)
A: Contrition is most necessary. Nobody who has come to the use of reason can have his sin forgiven without contrition. (Ezk 18:21-23; Lk 13:5; Acts 2:38)
问: 在什么时候该发痛悔?
Q: When must we excite ourselves to contrition for our sins?
答: 一在省察以后,修和以前;二在告完了罪,神父临念赦罪经的时候,还可以再发痛悔。
A: We should excite ourselves to make an act of contrition: (1) after examining our conscience and before confessing our sins; and (2) again after confessing our sins, while the priest is pronouncing the words of absolution.
问: 痛悔有真的,有假的,怎么分得出来?
Q: How can we know whether our contrition is true or false?
答: 真的痛悔必须是从心里来的,至大无比的,无一罪不恨的,超越本性的。 (咏 50: 11-12;咏 50:19)
A: True contrition must come form the heart, must be supreme, must extend to all our sins, and must be supernatural. (Ps 50:11-12; Ps 50:19)
问: 怎么能发真心痛悔?
Q: How can we excite ourselves to true contrition?
答: 先该恳求天主赐佑,又该自己的勉励,想罪过的凶恶,地狱的永苦,吾主耶稣的苦难圣死,天主的无穷美善,因此恼恨自己的罪。
A: First, we must fervently beg of God to give us the grace of true contrition; secondly, we must earnestly consider the wickedness of sin, the eternal punishment of Hell, the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ, the infinite goodness of God, and for these motives hate and detest our sins.
问: 只有小罪,恐怕难发真心痛悔,可以做什么?
Q: If we have committed only venial sins and are afraid of not having true contrition for them, what can we do?
答: 可以在告明后,把从前告过的大罪,再告一二条。
A: In this case, after we have confessed our venial sins, we can confess again with sorrow one or two mortal sins of our past life.
问: 痛悔有几条?
Q: How many kinds of contrition are there?
答: 有上等下等两样痛悔。
A: There are two kinds of contrition: perfect and imperfect.
问: 什么是上等痛悔?
Q: What is perfect contrition?
答: 上等痛悔,是从爱天主发出来的,就是恼恨罪,因为得罪了万万美善,无穷可爱的天主。 (咏 50)
A: Perfect contrition is that which comes from the love of God; it is the sorrow which we have for our sins because they have offended God who is infinitely good and infinitely lovable. (Ps 50)
问: 什么是下等痛悔?
Q: What is imperfect contrition?
答: 我恼恨我的罪,是因为怕天主罚我下地狱,不许我升天堂;或是因为我的罪在天主台前,实属丑陋不堪,皆是下等的痛悔。
A: Imperfect contrition is the sorrow which we have for our sins because we fear that God will punish us in Hell or shut us out from Heaven, or because our sins are hideous in God's sight.
问: 上等的痛悔发了什么效验?
Q: What is the effect of perfect contrition?
答: 若发了上等痛悔,虽然不得修和,天主也赦罪,但该含有情愿行修和的意思。 (箴 8:17;路 7:47;若14:23)
A: If we have perfect contrition, God forgives our sins even though we cannot go to Confession, but our contrition must include the intention of confessing our sins. (Pro 8:17; Lk 7:47; Jn 14:23)
问: 下等痛悔有什么效验?
Q: What is the effect of imperfect contrition?
答: 下等痛悔使人因领洗、修和圣事,也能得赦罪的恩典。
A: If we have imperfect contrition, we can get forgiveness of our sins through the sacraments of Baptism or of Penance.
问: 什么时候该发上等痛悔?
Q: At what time is an act of perfect contrition essential?
答: 凡有死的危险,带着大罪又不得修和时,就该发上等痛悔,才救得灵魂。
A: An act of perfect contrition is essential to save our souls, when being in danger of death and in a state of mortal sin we cannot go to Confession.
问: 为妥当修和,下等痛悔也够了么?
Q: Is imperfect contrition sufficient for a good Confession?
答: 下等痛悔也够了,但勉励发上等痛悔更好。
A: Imperfect contrition is sufficient for Confession but it would be better to endeavour to excite ourselves to perfect contrition.
10、定改 Purpose of Amendment
问: 定改是什么?
Q: What is a purpose of amendment?
答: 立定志向,从今以后,宁死再不犯罪,并要努力躲避犯罪的近机会。 (德 21:1-2;若8:1-11)
A: A purpose of amendment is a firm resolution for the future rather to die than to commit sin, and to strive to avoid all immediate occasions of sin. (Sir 21:1-2; Jn 8:1-11)
问: 痛悔定改分得开么?
Q: Can one have true contrition without having a firm purpose of amendment?
答: 不得分开:有真心痛悔,必有真心定改;没有真心定改,也算不得真心痛悔。
A: No. Whoever has true contrition must also have a sincere purpose of amendment; and whoever has not a sincere purpose of amendment cannot be considered as having true contrition.
问: 怎么知道定改是真的假的?
Q: How can we know whether our purpose of amendment is sincere or not?
答: 如果将人、地、事物、引我犯罪的缘由,一概断绝离开,这就是真定改的凭据;不然,就是假定改。
A: We can know that our purpose of amendment is sincere if we shun all persons, places and things which are for us a cause of sin. If, on the contrary, we seek these things, it is not sincere.
11、告明 Confession
问: 什么是告明?
Q: What is confession?
答: 把省察出来的罪,一一在神父跟前,告说明白。 (宗 19:17-18)
A: Confession is telling to the priest, one by one, the sins which we have found in our examination of conscience. (Acts 19:17-18)
问: 告明有什么要点?
Q: What else must be observed in confessing our sins?
答: 要完全、要老实、要清楚。
A: Our confession of sins must be complete, honest, and clear.
问: 大罪的次数,也该说么?
Q: Must the number of mortal sins be confessed?
答: 该说,就是改变罪类或加重罪过的光景,都该说。
A: Not only must the number of mortal sins be confessed clearly, but also all circumstances which might change the nature of the sin or add to its gravity.
问: 若记不清大罪的次数,该怎么样?
Q: What must we do, if we do not remember clearly the number of mortal sins?
答: 该说:大约有几次。
A: If we do not remember clearly the number of mortal sins, then we should say about how many times the sin has been committed.
问: 告明的时候,无意忘下了大罪,该做什么?
Q: If we accidentally forget mortal sins in Confession, what must we do?
答: 忘了的大罪,虽然同告过的罪一齐都赦了,但若想起来,下次还该补告。
A: The forgotten mortal sins are forgiven with the others which have been confessed; but if we remember them afterwards, we must confess them in our next Confession.
问: 告解的时候,故意瞒下大罪,有什么不好?
Q: What evils result if we wilfully conceal a mortal sin in Confession?
答: 不单瞒下的罪不得赦,别的罪也不得赦,而且犯一个冒告解、亵圣的大罪。
A: If we wilfully conceal a mortal sin in Confession, the sin concealed is not forgiven, none of our other sins are forgiven, and we commit as well a mortal sin of sacrilege by making a bad Confession.
12、补赎 Satisfaction
问: 补赎是什么?
Q: What is satisfaction?
答: 是在修和的时候,神父按罪的轻重,所罚的神工。
A: Satisfaction is the spiritual work imposed as a penance by the priest in Confession in proportion to the gravity of our sins.
问: 神父为什么罚补赎?
Q: Why does the priest impose satisfaction?
答: 一、为补赎我们的罪;二、为相帮我们改过迁善。
A: The priest imposes satisfaction in order that we may do penance for our sins, and to help us to amend.
问: 神父罚的补赎,必定该做么?
Q: Are we bound to perform the penance imposed by the priest?
答: 必定该做:若能做而不做,必有罪。
A: We are bound to perform the penance imposed by the priest; if we can do it and neglect it, we commit sin.
问: 天主赦罪,不连罪罚一齐赦么?
Q: When God forgives our sins, does He not also forgive the punishment due to them?
答: 除了领洗以外,平常单赦罪的永罚,不全赦罪的暂罚。
A: Except in Baptism, God usually forgives only the eternal punishment due to sin, but not all the temporal punishment due to it.
问: 什么是罪的暂罚?
Q: What is the temporal punishment due to sin?
答: 就是在世上或在炼狱里当做的补赎。
A: The temporal punishment due to sin is the penance which must be performed here on earth or in Purgatory.
问: 能有法子,可免我应做的补赎么?
Q: Is there any way of escaping temporal punishment due to our sins?
答: 有:一是每办修和,发上等痛悔;一是常发爱天主的心情;一是真心爱仇人;一是专心得大赦。
A: There are several ways of escaping temporal punishment: (1) to make an act of perfect contrition every time we go to confession; (2) frequently to make acts of the love of God; (3) sincerely to love our enemies; (4) to gain indulgences.
13、大赦 Indulgences
问: 什么是大赦?
Q: What is an indulgence?
答: 就是圣教会用耶稣及诸圣人的功劳,在告解以外宽免罪的暂罚。
A: An indulgence is a remission of the temporal punishment due to sin, granted by the Church out of Confession in virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ and of all the saints.
问: 要得大赦该做什么?
Q: What are the conditions required to gain an indulgence?
答: 该有得大赦的意思,又该履行颁大赦者所指定的善工。
A: To gain an indulgence we must have the intention of gaining it, and must perform fully the required good works.
14、圣体 The Blessed Eucharist
问: 圣体是什么?
Q: What is the Blessed Eucharist?
答: 是圣教会中至尊至大的圣事,实在是吾主耶稣的天主性、人性、灵魂、肉身、宝血,全在饼酒形内隐藏着。 (若 6:54-57;路 22:19-20)
A: The Blessed Eucharist is the greatest and noblest sacrament in the Church. It is truly our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, His Divine Nature, His Human Nature, His Soul, His Body, His Precious Blood, hidden whole and entire under the appearance of bread and wine. (Jn 6:54-57; Lk 22:19-20)
问: 耶稣几时立了圣体圣事?
Q: When did Jesus Christ institute the Blessed Eucharist?
答: 耶稣在受难前夕的晚餐中,立了圣体圣事。 (玛 26:26-28)
A: Jesus Christ instituted the Blessed Eucharist at the Last Supper. (Mt 26:26-28)
问: 怎么说圣体是至尊至大的圣事呢?
Q: Why is the Blessed Eucharist the greatest and noblest of the sacraments?
答: 因为别的圣事单赋圣宠,这件圣事并赐圣宠的根源,就是吾主耶稣真天主真人,全体降到我的心中。
A: The Blessed Eucharist is the noblest of the sacraments, because, while the other sacraments only give us grace, this sacrament gives us the source of all graces, our Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, who comes whole and entire into our hearts.
问: 谁有成圣体的权?
Q: Who has power to consecrate the Blessed Eucharist?
答: 神父有,是从吾主耶稣亲自付给而传下来的。 (格前 11:23-29)
A: The priest has power to consecrate the Blessed Eucharist; this power comes to him from our Lord Jesus Himself. (1Cor 11:23-29)
问: 神父在什么时候成圣体?
Q: When does the priest consecrate the Blessed Eucharist?
答: 神父在弥撒中,手中拿起祭饼,一念成圣体的经,立刻就有了耶稣圣体的宝血。
A: The priest consecrates the Blessed Eucharist at Mass. When he pronounces the words of consecration just before the Elevation, instantly there are present the Sacred Body and Precious Blood of Jesus.
问: 神父用什么材料成圣体?
Q: What materials does the priest use in consecrating the Blessed Eucharist?
答: 用耶稣原定的麦面饼,成耶稣的圣身;葡萄酒,成耶稣的血。
A: The priest uses the materials originally determined by Jesus Christ, wheaten bread to consecrate His Sacred Body, wine of the grape to consecrate His Precious Blood.
问: 成了圣体圣血,还有酒饼的体么?
Q: Does the substance of the bread and wine remain after the consecration?
答: 饼酒的体立时全灭了,仅留下饼酒形,隐藏着耶稣的圣身圣血。
A: The substance of the bread and wine immediately entirely ceases to exist; the appearances of bread and wine remain concealing the Body and Blood of Jesus.
问: 成了圣体圣血,饼酒形内都有耶稣的全体么?
Q: After the consecration, is Jesus present whole and entire under the appearance of both bread and wine?
答: 都有耶稣的全体,因为耶稣复活后,祂的灵魂、圣身、圣血,永远不再相离。
A: Jesus is present whole and entire under the appearances of both bread and wine, because since His resurrection, His Soul, Body and Blood can never again be separated.
问: 圣体分得分不得?
Q: Can the Blessed Eucharist be divided?
答: 圣体分不得,分的是饼形,但各大小分,都有耶稣的全体。
A: The Blessed Eucharist cannot be divided. What is divided is the appearances of bread; but in every particle large or small, Jesus is present whole and entire.
问: 耶稣立圣体,是为什么意思?
Q: Why did Jesus institute the Blessed Eucharist?
答: 为祭献天主的大礼,为养人灵魂的神粮,为耶稣永远与人结合的表记。
A: Jesus instituted the Blessed Eucharist to be the Great Sacrifice offered to God, to be the spiritual food of our souls, and to be the memento of His perpetual union with us.
15、弥撒 Mass
问: 弥撒是什么?
Q: What is the Mass?
答: 是成圣体,祭献天主的大礼。 (拉 1:10-11;路 22:19-20)
A: The Mass is the Great Sacrifice offered to God, in which the Blessed Eucharist is consecrated. (Mal 1:10-11; Lk 22:19-20)
问: 弥撒怎么是祭献天主的大礼呢?
Q: Why is the Mass the great Sacrifice offered to God?
答: 因为在弥撒当中,吾主耶稣自为司祭,将祂的圣身宝血,隐藏在饼酒形内,当作祭品,献与天主圣父,这样重行了十字架上的献祭。 (路 23:46;路 22:19-20)
A: The Mass is the Great Sacrifice, because in the Mass our Lord Jesus Christ Himself as Priest, offers to God the Father in sacrifice His Sacred Body and Precious Blood, hidden under the appearances of bread and wine, and thus continues the Sacrifice of the Cross. (Lk 23:46; Lk 22:19-20)
问: 弥撒内献耶稣与圣父,是为什么意思?
Q: For what ends is Jesus offered to God the Father in the Mass?
答: 为钦崇天主,感谢天主,求天主赦罪,求天主赐恩。
A: The ends for which Mass is offered are: to adore God, to thank Him for His benefits, to ask His pardon for sin and to beg His graces.
问: 怎么能善参与弥撒?
Q: How may we assist at Mass?
答: 瞻仰弥撒的礼节,想念耶稣的苦难圣死,把自己同耶稣一齐献与天主圣父,预备实领或神领圣体,热心感谢圣体。
A: To assist at Mass we may: (1) devoutly follow the ceremonies of the Mass; (2) meditate on the Passion and the Death of Jesus; (3) offer ourselves with Jesus to God the Father; (4) prepare to receive Holy Communion actually or spiritually, and (5) fervently thank our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
16、领圣体 Holy Communion
问: 领圣体有什么益处?
Q: What benefits come to us by receiving Holy Communion?
答: 灵魂肉身都有大益处。
A: By receiving Holy Communion we obtain great benefits for both soul and body.
问: 灵魂有什么益处?
Q: What benefits come to our souls from Holy Communion?
答: 善领圣体,同耶稣合而为一,圣体养活灵魂,增圣宠,加圣佑,能胜三仇,好守规诫,脱罪过,立善工,免地狱,奔天堂。 (若 6:54-59)
A: Those who receive Holy Communion worthily are united intimately with Jesus. Holy Communion: (1) nourishes the soul; (2) increases sanctifying grace, and (3) bestows additional actual graces, whereby we are enabled to overcome our three great enemies, to keep the commandments, to avoid sin, to gain merit, to escape Hell and to enter Heaven. (Jn 6:54-59)
问: 肉身有什么益处?
Q: What benefits come to our bodies from Holy Communion?
答: 圣体压在肉情,克制私欲,顺从正理;又为肉身得复活,享常生的凭据。
A: Holy Communion: (1) lessens concupiscence and tends to make our unlawful passions subject to right reason; (2) it is also a pledge of the resurrection of the body and of its enjoying eternal life.
问: 谁有领圣体的本分?
Q: What persons are bound to receive Holy Communion?
答: 凡知道好歹的男女教友,都该领圣体;为此小孩一开明悟,就该教他圣体的要理,预备早领圣体。
A: Catholics of both sexes, who can distinguish between good and evil, are bound to receive Holy Communion. Hence young children, as soon as they come to use of reason, should be taught about Holy Communion, so as to prepare them to make their First Communion early.
问: 临终圣体是什么?
Q: What is Viaticum?
答: 临终圣体是教友在临死时领的。
A: Viaticum is Holy Communion received by the dying. (It is also called because it is the spiritual food provided for the dying Christian in his last journey).
问: 领临终圣体,也是要紧的本分么?
Q: Is there a grave obligation to receive Viaticum?
答: 也是要紧的本分。
A: There is a grave obligation to receive Viaticum.
问: 该怎么预备领圣体?
Q: How should we prepare ourselves for Holy Communion?
答: 有灵魂肉身的预备。
A: We should prepare ourselves for Holy Communion in soul and in body.
问: 灵魂该怎么预备?
Q: How should we prepare our souls for Holy Communion?
答: 最要紧的,灵魂上该有宠爱;若有大罪,先当妥当告解,只发上等的痛悔不够。 (格前 11:23-29)
A: Above all, our souls must have sanctifying grace, hence, if we are in a state of mortal sin, we must make a good Confession. To make an act of perfect contrition only is not sufficient. (1Cor 11:23-29)
问: 有大罪不告,或告的不妥,而领圣体,有什么罪?
Q: If we go to Holy Communion without confessing our mortal sins, or without confessing them properly, what sin do we commit?
答: 是犯冒领圣体,侮辱耶稣,至重至大的罪。
A: We commit a great and most grievous sin of sacrilege by receiving Holy Communion unworthily and we insult Jesus Christ.
问: 肉身该怎么预备?
Q: How should we prepare our bodies for Communion?
答: 最要紧的,该守圣体斋;此外,身体要端正,要干净。
A: We should keep the Eucharistic fast and our dress and our whole person should be modest and clean.
问: 圣体斋是什么?
Q: What is the Eucharistic Fast?
答: 就是领圣体前一小时内,不许进用固体或液体食品,亦不得进用含有酒性的饮料。但清水不在禁止之列。
A: The Eucharistic fast consists in abstaining from solid food, beverages and alcoholic drinks within one hour of receiving Communion. Water may be taken any time.
问: 不守圣体斋,也能领圣体吗?
Q: Can Communion ever be received without keeping the Eucharistic Fast?
答: 几时有死的危险,或是为免圣体受亵渎,无论何时进用了任何食品和饮料,都可以领圣体。此外,疾病者虽非卧床不起的,领圣体前可进用「非酒精质的」饮料,和无论液体或固体的真正而实际之药品。
A: Communion can be received without the Eucharistic Fast when in danger of death or to avoid sacrilegious acts forwards the Holy Eucharist. Besides invalids, though not completely bed-ridden may take some non-alcoholic drinks before receiving. Medicine, in solid or liquid form, may also be takes before receiving.
问: 领圣体前,该发什么善情?
Q: What sentiments should we have before receiving Holy Communion?
答: 信、望、爱圣体之外,要悔恨前罪,定心改过,加恭敬,极谦逊,求耶稣降到心中。
A: Before receiving Holy Communion, in addition to faith, hope and love of the Blessed Eucharist, we should have hatred for our past sins and a firm purpose of amendment, and we should very reverently and very humbly beg Jesus to come into our hearts.
问: 领圣体的时候,该怎么样?
Q: What sentiments should we have at the moment of receiving Holy Communion?
答: 该满心爱慕圣体,巴不得自己的心,同耶稣的圣心,合而为一才好。
A: At the moment of receiving Holy Communion, we should love the Blessed Sacrament with our whole heart, and earnestly desire that our heart be united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
问: 领圣体后,该怎么样?
Q: What sentiments should we have after receiving Holy Communion?
答: 该恭恭敬敬的感谢圣体,再三发信、望、爱,把自己的灵魂肉身,全献给耶稣,求再加恩。
A: After receiving Holy Communion we should very reverently thank the Blessed Sacrament, make repeated acts of faith, hope and charity, offer ourselves soul and body to Jesus, and ask for His graces and gifts.
问: 什么人能常领圣体?
Q: Who may receive Holy Communion frequently?
答: 凡是没有大罪,又有正当意向的教友,都能常领圣体,圣教会且很盼望教友天天领圣体。
A: All the faithful who have no mortal sins on their soul and who have a right intention, may receive Holy Communion frequently, and the Church earnestly hopes that the faithful will receive Holy Communion daily.
17、供圣体 Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament
问: 怎么说圣体是耶稣永远与人给合的表记?
Q: Why is the Blessed Sacrament said to be the memento of God's perpetual union with mankind?
答: 因为耶稣在圣体内,常与我们共居,使我们亲近祂、感谢祂、求祂各样的恩典。
A: The Blessed Sacrament is said to be the memento of God's perpetual union with mankind because Jesus in the Blessed Eucharist lives always in our midst, that we may be near to Him, thank Him, and beg His graces.
问: 我们在圣体台前,有什么本分?
Q: What is our duty towards the Blessed Sacrament?
答: 该喜欢朝拜圣体,在圣体台前,表现我们恭敬、钦崇,以爱还爱的心。
A: Our duty towards the Blessed Sacrament is to visit It gladly, to show towards It our reverence and our adoration, and return It love for love.
18、病人傅油圣事 Anointing of the Sick
问: 病人傅油圣事是什么?
Q: What is the Anointing of the Sick?
答: 是吾主耶稣亲定的圣事,为赋圣宠与病人,亦为减轻其神形困苦。 (雅 5:14-15)
A: The Anointment of the Sick is a sacrament instituted by our Lord Jesus Himself, to bestow grace on the sick and to relieve their spiritual and bodily sufferings. (Jas 5:24-25)
问: 怎么样的人该领病人傅油圣事?
Q: What persons should be anointed?
答: 凡开了明悟的男女教友,得了重病或有死的危险,都该领病人傅油圣事;年老力衰的人,虽无重病,也可以领病人傅油圣事。
A: All Catholics of both sexes, who have come to the use of reason and who are in danger of death by sickness, should be anointed. Those who are failing in old age, even though they are not seriously ill, can also receive this sacrament.
问: 病人傅油圣事有什么益处?
Q: What benefits are conferred by the Anointing of the Sick?
答: 增加宠爱,赦免小罪,若有忘了的,或因重病不能告的大罪,只要有下等痛悔,领病人傅油圣事也能赦;且能使人忍耐病苦,得善终,有时候也赏人病好。 (雅 5:14-15)
A: The Anointing of the Sick: (1) increases sanctifying graces, (2) blots our venial sins, and (3) (if at least imperfect contrition is present) can forgive all mortal sins which have been forgotten or which can be confessed owing to serious illness. (4) It also helps the sick to bear their sufferings patiently and to die a good death, and (5) it sometimes restores the sick to health. (Jas 5:14-15)
问: 该怎么样预备领病人傅油圣事?
Q: How should we prepare to receive this sacrement?
答: 平日就该常求天主赏赐这个大恩;到病重的时候,及早请神父,先办妥当神工,领临终圣体,然后领终傅。
A: During life, we should constantly pray God to grant us this great favour, in serious sickness, we should send for the priest early, make a good Confession and receive Viaticum before being anointed.
问: 平常终傅完了,圣教会还赏赐病人什么恩典?
Q: What other favour does the Church usually grant to the sick after they have been anointed?
答: 还颁发临终大赦。
A: The Church usually grants also a plenary indulgence for the hour of death.
19、圣秩(神品) Holy Orders
问: 圣秩是什么?
Q: What is Holy Orders?
答: 是吾主耶稣亲定的圣事,为付圣事之权,并赋圣宠,使善行圣事。 (路 22:19-20;弟前 4:14-15)
A: Holy Orders is a sacrament instituted by our Lord Jesus Himself, by which is given the power of administering the sacraments, together with grace to administer them worthily. (Lk 22:19-20; 1Tim 4:14-15)
问: 圣秩有几样?
Q: How many kinds of orders are there?
答: 有执事「前称六品修士」与司祭两样。
A: There are deacons and priests.
问: 司祭分几等?
Q: How many grades are there in the priesthood?
答: 分两等:一等是主教,一等是司铎。
A: There are two grades, bishop and priest.
问: 司铎有什么权柄?
Q: What power has the priest?
答: 最大的权柄,就是在弥撒中成圣体,祭献天主;在告解的时候,赦人的罪。 (路 22:19-20;若 20:21-23)
A: The priest has exalted powers, namely, the power of consecrating the Blessed Eucharist at Mass and offering It in sacrifice to God, and the power of absolving sins in Confession. (Lk 22:19-20; Jn 20-21-23)
问: 怎么样的人,可以领圣秩?
Q: What men can receive Holy Orders?
答: 有善表美名,有天主圣召,又没有法定阻碍的人,才可以领神品。 (若 15:16)
A: Those can receive Holy Orders, who are of good example and of good reputation, who have a vocation from God, and who are not otherwise impeded. (Jn 15:16)
问: 教友对于主教神父有什么本分?
Q: What is the duty of the faithful towards bishops and priests?
答: 该尊贵、该听命,又该按自己的力量保障、相帮。 (德 7:31;路 10:15)
A: The faithful should honour and obey their bishops, and priests; and should protect and help them according to their means. (Sir 7:31; Lk 10:15)
问: 儿童有圣召,父母该怎样?
Q: If children have a vocation from God to the priesthood, how should their parents act?
答: 该当勉励相帮他们,万不可阻挠儿童随天主的圣召。
A: Their parents should encourage and help them, and in no wise hinder them from following God's call.
20、婚配 Matrimony
问: 婚配是什么?
Q: What is Matrimony?
答: 是吾主耶稣亲定的圣事,为赋圣宠与正夫正妻,使之终身和睦,妥当教养儿女。 (弗:5:22-32)
A: Matrimony is a sacrament instituted by our Lord Jesus Himself, by which grace is given to lawful spouses to live peacefully together throughout life, and to bring up their children well. (Eph 5:22-32)
问: 儿女没有开明悟,父母能给他们订婚么?
Q: May parents get their children betrothed before they come to the use of reason?
答: 按圣教会的规定是不许可的。
A: Parents are forbidden by the Catholic Church to get their children betrothed before they come to the use of reason.
问: 父母给儿女定亲,另外该注意什么?
Q: When getting their children betrothed, to what should parents pay special attention?
答: 最要紧的,该查明男女两家,有婚配的阻碍没有,又要查明男女彼此同意否,若本人不愿意,不能定亲。
A: The parents should above all carefully examine whether there is any impediment to the marriage on either side, and whether the boy and girl mutually consent; if either party does not consent freely, no betrothal can be made.
问: 婚配的阻碍有几样?
Q: How many kinds of impediments to marriage are there?
答: 有两样:一样是使婚配违法,一样是使婚配无效。
A: There are two kinds: hindering impediments which forbid marriage, and diriment impediments, which destroy marriage.
问: 使婚配违法的阻碍,有什么意思?
Q: What is the meaning of hindering impediments?
答: 是圣教会定的不许婚配的几样条例,若不守,就犯大罪,但是婚配是有效的。
A: Hindering impediments are certain conditions fixed by the Church, which make marriage unlawful. If they are neglected, a mortal sin is committed, but the marriage is valid.
问: 使婚配无效的阻碍,有什么意思?
Q: What is the significance of diriment impediments?
答: 使婚配无效的阻碍,无论是天主立的,或是圣教会定的,若犯了,不仅有背命的大罪,而且在天主及圣教会面前,婚配不算有效,必该离散;这样的阻碍共有十五条,共中容易遇到的,特别是岁数不足,或同外教人给婚。
A: Diriment impediments are certain conditions determined either by God or by the Church. If a person attempt marriage in spite of a diriment impediment, not only is a mortal sin of disobedience committed, but the marriage is no marriage in the eyes of God and of the Church; and the contracting parties must separate from each other. There are fifteen of these impediments, of which the commonest are, want of sufficient age, and marrying pagans.
问: 圣教会能宽免婚配的阻碍么?
Q: Can the Church give a dispensation from these impediments?
答: 凡是天主所立的,万万不能宽免;凡是圣教会定的,若是正当的缘故,有时能宽免。
A: The Church can never give a dispensation from the impediments established by God; but she may at times if there is a just cause give a dispensation from the impediments fixed by the Church.
问: 怎么样成婚配呢?
Q: What is marriage contracted?
答: 该在本堂司铎跟前,当着两个见证,男女二人清清楚楚,表明自己的同意。
A: The man and woman must manifest clearly their mutual consent before their parish priest and two witnesses.
问: 弥撒中降福婚配,是什么意思?
Q: What is the meaning of the Nuptial Blessing at Mass?
答: 是求天主赏赐夫妇二人终身和睦,多生子女,享受高年。
A: The Nuptial Blessing is a prayer that God may grant the married pair to live peacefully together throughout life, to have many children and a long life.
问: 夫妇二人结婚后,还能离婚么?
Q: After the bond of marriage between husband and wife has once been tied, can it again be loosed?
答: 夫妇二人按教会法结婚后,终身不能仳离。 (格前 7:10-15;玛 19:3-9)
A: After the bond of marriage has once been tied, it can be loosed only by death. (1Cor 7:10-15; Mt 19:3-9)
问: 夫妇二人中死了一个,单夫寡妇还能婚配么?
Q: If the husband or the wife dies, may the other marry again?
答: 还能婚配;不再婚配,守节更好。 (格前 7:8-9)
A: If the husband or wife dies, the other may marry again, but not to marry again, that is, to praiseworthy. (1Cor 7:8-9) |