亲爱的兄弟姊妹,以下几个问题是来自加拿大Macleans 的记者采访内容,如果您愿意回答,请电邮:(图)
1.what is your full name, and where do you live?
你的全名? 你目前的在哪里生活?
2.Have you always been a Christian, or did someone introduce you to it? If someone introduced you, tell me how that happened and why you wanted to join the church.
你是怎么接触天主教的呢?还是有人介绍给你的吗? 如果是有人介绍给你的 能告诉我当时是怎样的一个状况,为什么你愿意加入天主教?
3.What do you think Pope Francis?What do you like/not like about him?
你怎么看教宗方济各? 你最欣赏他什么呢?
4.The BBC recently had a story that said China will have the most Christians in the world in ten years. What do you think about this? Why is this religion becomming more popular in China?
最近BBC有一篇文章上说中国将在未来十年拥有时间上最多的天主教徒,你是怎么看的呢? 我们都知道很多中国人没有宗教信仰, 为什么最近几年宗教在中国越来越受欢迎? |
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